Implementation instructions

<!-- API-KEY --> can be found under Dashboard -> Project -> Project Settings


Following is instructions to implement FeedBackPack to a HTML-page.

  1. Copy and paste following code last in your </body>-tag
    <script defer src="<!-- API-KEY -->"></script>
        <!-- Your site html -->
        <script defer src="<!-- API-KEY -->"></script>
  2. Add data-feedbackpack to the component you want to trigger the widget on click. For example
    <button data-feedbackpack>
      Send feedback


Do you have a React-application you have to do following step

  1. Install npm package
    npm install @feedbackpack/react
  2. Then import FeedBackPack-component into your project where to use it.
    import {FeedBackPack} from '@feedbackpack/react'
    const Project = () => {
      return (
        <FeedBackPack apiKey="<!-- API-KEY -->">
          <button>Send feedback</button>
  3. You also have the opportunity to add email to FeedBackPack-component to identify submitting user for later interactions.
    <FeedBackPack apiKey="<!-- API-KEY -->" email={currentUser?.email}>
      <button>Send feedback</button>
  4. You also have the opportunity to add showEmail to FeedBackPack-component to give the options for user to give the email for later interactions.
    <FeedBackPack apiKey="<!-- API-KEY -->" showEmail>
      <button>Send feedback</button>